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Home Sex Stories Non Consent One Strange Night

One Strange Night

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Female · 46 · United States of America
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2 Years Ago
Category: Non Consent

One Strange Night

I have a friend named Anna, who is single and lives alone. She is a normal middle-aged woman, or I thought she was until a few days ago. Then something strange happened. I accidentally found her naked picture online. When I asked her about it, she told me a strange story. I couldn’t believe her story. However, since it was very erotic and interesting, I’m going to write it down the way she said it happened. You can judge whether it’s realistic or made-up for yourselves:

One Strange Night

Anna was sleeping one night. She heard a voice like a door opening, which woke her up. She was just out of bed, when suddenly a masked stranger entered her room and pointed a gun at her. She was terrified and thought it’s a robbery, but the man shouted something she was not expecting: “Take off everything you are wearing right now!”

She was shocked and started begging for mercy. She even told him where her valuables were, but he kept ordering her to strip naked with an angry voice.

Anna was very afraid and submitted. She took off everything she was wearing. But to her surprise, the masked man ordered her to tidy her hair and pose for a camera he had brought, which she did. The man took several naked pictures of her. He carefully ordered Anna to pose in certain ways and fix her face expression, as if she was voluntarily posing for a naked picture, and took pictures of her like that.

Anna had no idea why he made such demands, but every time she asked what was going on, or begged for mercy, the man pointed his gun at her and ordered her with a terrifying voice, which forced Anna into submission.

After the pictures, he ordered Anna to do jumping jacks in front of him. By this point, he had threatened Anna so badly that she had stopped asking questions and begging for mercy, and just did what he asked. She had some overweight which made doing jumping jacks a hard job, but the man ordered her to do it fast and nonstop. She was forced to do it for a long time, maybe 10-15 minutes, during which her whole body was exposed and her large breasts swung in the air.

She was losing her breathe and sweating like crazy when the masked man decided that was enough. He ordered Anna to lie on the bed, spread her legs and hold them in the air, exposing her pussy completely. After she did it, he took out something Anna wasn’t expecting at all: A vibrator!

He penetrated Anna with the vibrator. She was afraid and crying, but he didn’t care about that and turned on the vibrator. Anna had never used a vibrator in her life (of course, that’s what she says, not what I believe!). The feeling was very strange for her. On one hand she was afraid and felt humiliated, on the other hand, it felt good, eased her pain and made her forget the fear. The man ordered her to moan. Anna began moaning. At first it was a simple submission to an order, but after a minute, the moans became real. Her body was enjoying it against her will. After a few more minutes, she reached an orgasm.

Seeing that, the man called her a “juicy fat bitch” and ordered her to sit on her arms and knees on the bed, like a quadruped. She did that and the man grabbed her large breasts and began squeezing them, as if he was milking a cow. He ordered Anna to moo for him. When she refused, he spanked her hard. Anna submitted to his will again, but she needed some more spanking in order to raise her mooing voice to his desired level. She was “milked” like that for several minutes, until his master decided that was enough.

He ordered Anna to sit on the bed and masturbate, and also moan and play with her breasts. Anna began following that order and the man started filming Anna like that. After a few minutes, the masked stranger closed her eyes with a piece of cloth and ordered her to continue masturbating while moaning loudly. He said she is not allowed to stop until she reaches another orgasm, after which, he would leave her. Anna, being blinded, blindly did what he asked.

She masturbated for a long time. Since she had already reached one orgasm, reaching a second orgasm was harder and more time consuming. During this time, the man said nothing to her. It took her a long time to reach another orgasm.

Anna was very tired now. She had used almost all of her energy. She was soaking wet with sweat and her pussy juice. She was waiting for another order, but there was only silence.

Maybe it was the result of multiple orgasms, or maybe she was threatened with a gun so much that the threat couldn’t cause any more fear, but at any rate, she was no longer afraid. She asked: “are you done yet you fucking pervert?!”

There was no response. Anna felt a little silly. She had done what the man asked her all night long because he had a gun. But a gun shot would have alerted the entire neighborhood. Besides, why would he shoot? Was a “juicy fat bitch” worth it?! She realized that she was submitting to empty threats all night. She removed the piece of cloth from her eyes. It was almost morning and the room was getting lit by sunlight, but there was no one around.

The man had left while she was masturbating and moaning loudly for herself. To her surprise, he had left the gun. But upon a closer inspection, Anna realized that the gun she was threatened with all night long was just a plastic toy gun!

It took her some time to gather her thoughts. She thought about calling the police, but what could she tell them? There wasn’t even any evidence to prove the story had actually happened. Nothing was stolen. Besides, it was very embarrassing to admit what she had done merely because someone threatened her with a toy gun which didn’t even looked too real! So, she decided to keep everything to herself.

Sometime later, one of the naked pictures that man took ended up on porn sites. She looked a little nervous in that picture, but no one could have proved it was taken involuntarily. I accidentally saw it and talked to her about it, and she told me this amazing story as an explanation.

Although she showed me a toy gun as a proof, I personally think there is a much simpler explanation: She was lonely, horny and perhaps a little drunk one night. She needed a man, she needed to demonstrate her beauty, so she took the picture and posted it online. To be honest, aside from the nervous look in her face, she actually looks very good in that picture!

I believe there is nothing wrong with what she did in any of the scenarios. In the first scenario, I would have done the same if I was threatened with a gun. Besides, considering her good description of the details, her two orgasms and her unwillingness to call the police, I say if someone actually did that to her, he did her a favor! In the second scenario, there is nothing wrong if an adult woman wishes to demonstrate her beauty. There is nothing to be ashamed of in either of these scenarios.

I hope you have enjoyed her amazing story. I certainly did. I found it so arousing that I had a little role playing with my man and put myself in that scenario! It was fun.

Do you think Anna is telling the truth or something else has happened?
olderguy6360: I say she did something else. I think some of the events happen but not by a total strange.
9 Months Ago